Tender Is The Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica

by Admin
Tender Is The Flesh

This split book cover really draws attention with a combination of a woman wearing a calming pink top in contrast to the vivid and disturbing red horns. It does a great job of showing readers that the author is not afraid to speak her mind.

Does the book cover give the readers a sneak peek of what’s to come? / 80%
Does the book cover let the readers know the book’s genre? / 80%
Does the book cover introduce the book’s protagonist? / 90%
Does the book cover set the right tone for the genre of the book? / 80%
Book Cover Typography / 90%
Book Color Palette  / 80%
Book Cover Imagery / 90%

Tender Is The Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica was first published in 2017 by Scribner.

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Jeremy Levins February 12, 2022 - 10:14 pm

What a great cover! Need to check this book out asap…

Neil Cooney February 19, 2022 - 10:15 am

Super cool book cover!


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