A Private Hotel for Gentle Ladies by Ellen Cooney

by Admin

The book cover’s imagery and the clever placement of the title is spot on to spark interest. The beautiful oil color palette enforces that the book is in the historical fiction genre.

Does the book cover give the readers a sneak peek of what’s to come? / 80%
Does the book cover let the readers know the book’s genre? / 70%
Does the book cover introduce the book’s protagonist? / 90%
Does the book cover set the right tone for the genre of the book? / 100%
Book Cover Typography / 100%
Book Color Palette  / 100%
Book Cover Imagery / 100%

A Private Hotel for Gentle Ladies by Ellen Cooney was first published in 2007 by Anchor.

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1 comment

Sylvie Aranata February 15, 2022 - 5:59 pm

need to check this book out


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